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  • Pollinators need our help and here's why you should take action

    Many of our food and drinks are dependent on the work of pollinators. Imagine, if you will, a world without chocolate. Or a world without avocados. We can certainly live without these two foods with such an abundance of others, but they would be missed. So, too, would bananas, almonds and even coffee. These foods that we know we can reliably find on any given trip to the grocery store or farmers market are there thanks to the work of pollinators – the insects and animals required to keep plants and, in turn, food plentiful on our planet. The crucial role they play in the ecosystem and in our food supply is why it is essential that we take the necessary steps to protect them. Across the world, many of our favorite foods and drinks are dependent on pollinators for their continued availability. In North America, 99% of pollinators are insects, primarily bees. In Will County and across Illinois, insects are the primary pollinators, along with some species of birds. However, the pollinator population is in decline in Illinois and across the world. While the precise reasons for the population decline are not fully known, several factors are believed to be contributing, including habitat loss, pesticide use, competition from nonnative plants, the presence of mites and diseases affecting pollinators. As the pollinator population dwindles, the number of viable seeds in the plants they pollinate also decreases. This leads to fewer plants as well as less pollen and nectar for the pollinating animals. How you can help You can do your part to help the pollinator population thrive in our area by planting and maintaining a garden with pollination in mind. The key to attracting pollinators to your yard or garden is planting native plants, said Bob Bryerton, a program coordinator for the Forest Preserve. Because native plants are designed to thrive specifically in our climate, planting them strengthens the entire ecosystem. “Native plants are important because that’s what the critters are used to here,” Bryerton said. “The more native stuff you have, the healthier the system is and the more resilient it is.” Native plants also attract pollinating birds and insects to your yard. This includes hummingbirds and monarch butterflies, two species many people want to see around their homes. Although bats are not typically pollinators in Illinois, they are a critical part of the ecosystem, so having a garden rife with native plants helps ensure a healthy habitat for them as well. “If you have a good pollinator garden, you’ll get butterflies, you’ll get bees, you’ll get hummingbirds,” Bryerton said. One benefit for gardeners who want to dedicate space for a pollinating garden is that many native plants are perennials, which means they will return year after year. They also require very little upkeep to thrive, Bryerton said. And with a healthy garden, you’ll attract a multitude of pollinators and more — birds, bees, bats, butterflies and other insects. This, in turn, helps ensure both the animal and plant species will thrive locally. Case studies In our area, butterflies are plant-dependent. If the plants butterflies use as hosts are not pollinated, those species will go extinct. One example is the Karner blue butterfly. These butterflies, which were once found in significant numbers in and around the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in Northwest Indiana, are dependent on the nectar from wild lupine. In addition, their caterpillars feed on the lupine leaves. However, in 2012, during an unusually warm and early spring season, the caterpillars emerged from their cocoons before the lupine plants had grown, causing the butterfly population to drop in the dunes area. The dwindling bee population has garnered a lot of headlines in recent years, and for good reason. Bees are one of the world’s primary pollinators, and their numbers have been in steep decline over the past several years. In Illinois and the Midwest, the rusty patched bumble bee has historically been a well-populated and broadly distributed species. These bees helps pollinate tomatoes, apples, cranberries and more. In 2017, the rusty patched bumble bee was placed on the endangered species list by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Over the past 20 years, the bumble bee’s population has declined by an astounding 87%, and today it is present in only 0.1% of its historical range. Experts believe the rusty patched bumblebee’s population decline is caused by several factors, including intensive farming and the use of pesticides. The examples of the Karner blue butterfly and the rusty patched bumble bee illustrate the important symbiotic relationship between native plant and native animal species and how they create a healthier environment for all species, including us. Abuzz with activity To contribute to a thriving natural habitat, be mindful of the plants you put in your yard and garden and make an effort to plant native species. One of the benefits of this will be the wealth of critters you attract to your yard, including butterflies, hummingbirds and other songbirds and a multitude of insects, including the bees that are so critical to our existence. “It’s like a living laboratory out there,” Bryerton said. Here’s a look at some of the plants you should consider planting in your own yard to contribute to a healthy habitat for pollination. Trees Many of our neighborhood trees are cultivated and not native to our area, Bryerton said. If you are looking to plant a new tree in your yard, native species such as oak trees will host more insects and other organisms than nonnative species. These trees will also attract more caterpillars, and more caterpillars means more birds, which eat the caterpillars. The Morton Arboretum maintains a lengthy list of trees suitable for growing in the Will County area in its Northern Illinois Tree Species List, which includes information about particular species’ site requirements and ideal planting locations. Many of the trees listed are native to Illinois, including a variety of birch, hickory, maple, oak and pine trees. Shrubs Many insects, birds and small mammals use shrubs for shelter and privacy, Bryerton said. Among the shrubs he recommends planting in a pollinator garden are arrowwood viburnum, spicebush and American hazelnut. Hummingbirds are among the pollinating animals that like shrubbery, because they like open, partially wooded areas, he said. Flowers Many people prefer the pop of color flowers provide in home landscapes, and many native flowering plants will give you a colorful garden while also attracting pollinating insects. Some good choices for planting in Will County are black-eyed Susan, brown-eyed Susan, coneflower, coreopsis, goldenrod, ironweed, spiderwort and wild bergamot, Bryerton said. A few species are of special interest in attracting particular pollinators. For example, milkweed is the host plant for monarch butterflies. Without milkweed there will not be monarch butterflies in a particular area. He said milkweed used to be more common in Will County and northern Illinois, but its prevalence has fallen recently. As a result, the monarch population has also decreased. Two examples of milkweed species native to our area that are easy to plant and maintain in a garden are common milkweed and swamp milkweed. Bryerton said they have had success attracting monarch butterflies to their milkweed plants in the native garden at Plum Creek Nature Center. Another perennial wildflower that attracts butterflies is Joe Pye weed. Bryerton said Joe Pye weed is a good alternative to butterfly bush, which is popular for attracting insects but is best avoided locally because it’s not native to Illinois. Sticking with native plants is best not just for the plants and the butterflies you hope to attract, but for the health of the entire ecosystem. “Native plants help control nuisance insects and garden pests,” Bryerton said. “Having a more diverse habitat helps control nuisance on its own.” Where to find native plants Garden centers become a hotbed of activity each spring, full of flowers, shrubs and trees just waiting to be planted. But the garden centers that pop up each year at local home improvement and big-box stores are not necessarily the best place to buy native plants. Instead, look to native plant nurseries for native plants. In addition, The Nature Foundation of Will County hosts several native plant sales each year, sourcing plants from a reputable native plant nursery.

  • Protecting endangered species is key to maintaining biodiversity

    What comes to mind when you think of endangered species? The mountain gorillas and black rhinos of Africa? Or maybe snow leopards and tigers from Asia? These may be the animals that first come to mind when we think about endangered species, but some live much closer to home — even in our own neighborhoods and yards in some cases. Will County is home to 97 endangered and threatened species. Most of these are plants, including species like lakeside daisy, turbercled orchid, northern panic grass and Mead's milkweed, but there are also many animals on the list, including species from every group: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. Among our endangered animals are Blanding's turtles, starhead topminnows, black-crowned night herons, Hine’s emerald dragonflies and Kirtland's snakes. Working toward protecting endangered and threatened plants and animals from extinction is key to maintaining our planet’s biodiversity and also to protecting our habitats and ecosystems. While extinction is a normal process in nature — about 99% of all species that have ever existed are extinct — Earth is currently experiencing extinctions at an accelerated rate. In fact, the extinction rate today is as many as 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than the background rate of 1 species per million per year. Factors contributing to this accelerated rate of extinction include habitat loss, which is the primary driving force, as well as pollution; exploitation of wildlife; introduction of invasive and exotic species outside their natural range; and the spread of disease. The goal of saving endangered species from extinction requires work at many levels, from global on down. And while coordination is necessary for efforts to be successful, there are steps you can take right now to do your part. Here's a few ways you can help our local endangered species. Educate yourself Taking time to learn about the endangered plants and animals that live in our Will County communities is a good place to start. When you learn more about them, you’ll develop a better appreciation for them and why they are worth saving. Want to take it to the next level? Make it a point to share what you learn with friends, families and neighbors to expand your impact. The Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board maintains a register of the state’s threatened and endangered species that is organized by county, making it easy to learn what species near you are at risk. You can also learn more about endangered species from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is the federal agency that is tasked with administering the Endangered Species Act. If you want to expand your knowledge beyond out local and domestic endangered species, the International Union for Conservation in Nature maintains a global database of threatened species. Be responsible with your waste Most of us probably know that collectively we are generating trash at a rate that is difficult if not impossible to keep up with, but disposing of household items responsibly is critical to the health of our environment. We should recycle, of course, and try to eliminate or reduce the use of single-use products like plastic bottles and paper plates, but it goes beyond that. We must also make sure we responsibly dispose of hazardous and toxic chemicals and not put them out with the trash or dump them down a drain or into the toilet. These products can pollute both our water and our land, which in turn can have a negative effect on the plants and animals that live in those habitats. Before disposing of products like paint, antifreeze and furniture polish, consult the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency about household hazardous waste disposal. Shop with sustainability in mind Our shopping habits have a direct effect on our consumption of natural resources, and being mindful of that is a boon to plants and animals all over the world. Choosing products that are made sustainability — like those made from post-consumer recycled paper and plastic, for example — is a good start. You can also reduce your impact by choosing reusable products — water bottles, coffee cups, straws, silverware, plates and napkins to name a few — instead of single-use items. You can, of course, go beyond these steps to have a greater impact. For example, when buying housewares, furniture, flooring and other products made from wood, make sure the wood is not sourced from rainforests. And avoid products that contain palm oil, the harvesting of which contributes to deforestation. Be conscious about chemicals Herbicides and pesticides are the go-to products for many people looking to control weeds and nuisance insects in their yards and gardens, but the chemicals in these products can pollute the soil and groundwater, thus harming local wildlife. Once the toxic chemicals in these products make their way into the soil and water, they will enter the food chain as animals incidentally consume them as part of their diet. Certain animals are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of herbicides and pesticides. Amphibians, in particular, are vulnerable because of their permeable skin, which allows toxins to more easily enter into their bodies. Create a wildlife haven in your yard Do you see a lot of wildlife in your yard? You can if design your outdoor space with them in mind. A yard that is friendly to our local critters should include native plants, which will attract native insects. A yard full of native insects will attract more wildlife — birds, mammals and more — foraging for food. These plants also provide homes and shelter for wildlife. More simple steps you can take to keep or make your yard friendly to wildlife include using garbage cans with locking lids that critters can’t get into and storing pet food and bird seed indoors. And make sure you clean and disinfect both your bird feeders and birdbaths regularly to help prevent disease transmission among birds.

  • How to get started with native plants in your yard

    So you’ve made the decision to go native in your yard. Now what? Making the choice to add native plants to your landscape is an important first step. Once you’ve made your decision, there’s planning to do, then preparation, planting and, finally, enjoying your new outdoor space. Need some guidance to get your started on your way to a yard all aflutter with activity? Follow these steps on your native plant journey. Choose a spot in your yard First things first, you’ll have to select a spot in your yard for a native plant garden or a spot where you can incorporate native plants. It’s a good idea to start with a small spot, and then you can expand it year after year if you find you want more. If you are changing a large part of your yard over to natives, plan to work in phases. Start in one section of the larger plot and gradually add to it. When incorporating natives, you can use seeds or plant plugs, but keep in mind that seed will be more cost effective and less labor intensive, especially in a large space. Choose your plants wisely Once you know where you will be planting, you can choose your plants. You’ll need to select plants that will thrive where they take root, so take note of how much light the area gets throughout the day as well as the soil type and moisture level. You can find native plants to grow in full sun and full shade and everything in between, but a sun-loving purple coneflower won’t do well in a shady spot, and conversely a shade-loving wild geranium won’t thrive under the bright sun. Similarly, plants that love dry, well-drained soil won’t grow well in soil that retains a lot of moisture and vice vera. Another factor to consider is bloom time. Some native plants bloom in early spring while others will bloom from late summer into fall. If you want to see color in your native garden throughout the season, you will need to be intentional with your plant selections. You can research native plants online through native plant nurseries or native plant databases such as the one maintained by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildlife Center. Many of these online information sources allow users to filter by several factors to make it easier to find plants suitable for your yard and your preferences. Prepare the site Getting a site ready for planting is the most important step in getting started with native plants. You want to start in a spot that is free of weeds and other vegetation, so you’ll need to remove what is already growing in your selected location. You can remove existing vegetation by hand pulling, smothering or applying herbicides. Hand pulling might be effective for removing a small quantity of plants, but if you are removing grass or dense vegetation, consider smothering the existing plants. Simply cover the area with cardboard, newspaper or another material that will not allow light to penetrate. Without light, growing plants will die and seeds will not sprout. It’s best to begin smothering plants about two months before you intend to plant new plants or seeds. Get planting! Once the spot you’ve selected is free of vegetation, it’s time for planting — provided the timing is right. If you’re getting started with seeds, you can plant in winter or spring. Make sure to check for optimal sowing time for the species you are planting for best results. If you’re using plugs or young plants, plan to plant at the same time you would plant your vegetable garden. You’ll want to wait until after the last frost date for your area. When planting, make sure to follow the species-specific guidelines for how deep to plant and how far apart to space from other plants. For denser growth, plant on the closer end of the spacing spectrum. For more space between plants, spread them farther apart. If your plugs or plants don’t come with planting guidelines, look them up online before you get started. Step back and enjoy Native plants require less care and upkeep than other plants, but you’ll need to put in a little sweat equity in the first season after planting. New plantings should be watered regularly until they become well established. You’ll also want to weed regularly. Weed growth will occur after soil is disturbed, so you will need to pull unwanted plants from your new native garden regularly in the first growing season. Be patient Your native garden won’t be lush and abuzz with activity right away. It can take years for native plants to put down strong roots and establish themselves, so be patient. If you are starting your plants from seed, it may take up to three years for the plants to flower because they are putting most of their energy into establishing their roots. Young plants may flower in their first or second year after planting, but they may not begin to spread for a few years. Early on, your garden may not look as full as you would like,but give it time. During this period, make sure to weed your garden regularly to remove unwanted plants that are competing with the native blooms. Over time, weeding will not require as much time because the native plants will begin to fill the space. You should also mulch your garden to protect the soil and prevent weed growth. A 2-inch layer of organic mulch is best, but be careful not to use more than that because it can smother the plants.

  • Lake Chaminwood — and visitors — benefit from $750,000 donation

    Lake Chaminwood Preserve in Troy Township is a popular spot for anglers, kayakers and other outdoor enthusiasts, and now it’s a little easier to enjoy thanks to improvements funded in large part by a $750,000 gift from the Dollinger family to The Nature Foundation of Will County. In summer 2023, the Forest Preserve reopened the 120-acre preserve to the public after an overhaul that included a parking lot expansion and the construction of a new pedestrian welcome plaza. The project also included new paths to link the preserve’s existing trail. The work expanded the parking lot from 21 spots to 74 spots to accommodate the growing number of visitors who frequent the preserve. In addition, a gravel parking lot was added to allow for kayak and canoe trailer parking, which had previously been prohibited. The parking expansion was much needed because preserve usage has surpassed expectations since Lake Chaminwood opened in 2012, said Colleen Novander, director of planning and land preservation for the Forest Preserve District. “On a given day, it was not uncommon to see the parking lot full between fishermen and fisherwomen, kayakers, families picnicking or people just enjoying nature,” Novander said. “The need for additional parking, including trailer parking became evident, in addition to the need for an upgraded kayak and canoe launch.” The new look in the pedestrian welcome plaza was created in part by utilizing remnants from the preserve’s past as a quarry. New benches feature rocks pulled from the lake, and large rocks and boulders adorning the space also were taken from the water there. The pristine waters in the preserve’s two lakes — one 35 acres and the other 12 acres — are the hallmark feature at Lake Chaminwood, a big draw for anglers, kayakers and canoers. A 0.7-mile paved path surrounds the larger of the two lakes, suitable for walking, jogging, biking and in-line skating in all seasons and snowshoeing and cross-country skiing after a fresh blanket of snow. Improvements at the preserve also included the installation of an accessible kayak launch that was funded by an $80,000 grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Boat Grant program. With any project, the Forest Preserve stives to maximize local funding by offsetting them with outside grants, sponsorships and donations, Novander said. “The Dollinger donation made a substantial impact during the planning phase for the Lake Chaminwood Improvements,” she said. “The donation allowed staff to evaluate the short- and long-range goals for Lake Chaminwood and incorporate these into the overall design.” The improvements make Lake Chaminwood Preserve easier for more people in the community to enjoy, but the work is not done. In 2024, another phase of improvements will be completed. This work will include the addition of two accessible fishing piers and a short, 0.25-mile trail extension that will allow the Lake Chaminwood Trail to connect to the I&M Canal State Trail. This trail link will eventually allow the DuPage River Trail to connect to the I&M Canal State Trail. Novander said support from the Nature Foundation of Will County was key in working directly with the Dollinger family to ensure the end results were consistent with both the family’s desires as well as the mission of the Forest Preserve. “Without this financial contribution toward the project, the end result would have been scaled back, or completed as a series of additional phases as funding became available,” she said.

  • Foundation funding brings world-class exhibitions to visitor centers

    The Forest Preserve’s visitor centers are full of exhibits and displays that help visitors connect to Will County’s natural and cultural history, and exhibitions hosted throughout the year are intended to help enhance these connections. The Nature Foundation of Will County routinely provides funding to allow the visitor centers to host world-class exhibitions that offer unique perspectives about the world around us past and present. Exhibits brought in with help from the Foundation in 2023 included “Journey Stories” at Isle a la Cache Museum; “World’s Finest: Fly-Fishing Tackle” at Monee Reservoir; and “Golden Opportunity: Botanical Illustration” at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. These exhibitions attract new visitors to Forest Preserve facilities and keep things fresh and interesting for returning guests, said Lydia Pond, the director of visitor services. “The Nature Foundation funding allows us to do even more with our budget dollars,” Pond said, adding Forest Preserve staff can then spend time and resources developing complementary programming and displays during these exhibits. At Isle a la Cache, “Journey Stories,” organized by the Smithsonian Institute Traveling Exhibition Service, allowed visitors to see how migration and movement shaped America through posters detailing Native American displacement, Western expansion, African American migration from the South and developments in transportation. Interactive components developed by museum staff let visitors examine their own journey stories while contemplating the journeys of those who came before us. Monee Reservoir’s first-ever exhibition was a fitting complement to the preserve’s popularity as a fishing hotspot. “World’s Finest: Fly-Fishing Tackle,” created by the American Museum of Fly Fishing, showcased rods, reels, flies, photographs and books dating back to the 1800s and the World’s Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893. During the exhibition, the visitor center also hosted programs to teach fly-fishing basics to interested anglers. To end the year, Four Rivers hosted “Golden Opportunity: Botanical Illustration,” on loan from the Denver Botanic Gardens. With the color yellow as the centerpiece, the exhibit included illustrations of plants as well as displays about pigments and dyes created in this golden hue. Complementary programs hosted by education center staff enhanced the exhibit, allowing visitors a golden opportunity to examine the color yellow in a new way. In 2024, the Foundation will continue to fund dynamic exhibitions, starting with the “Birds in Art” Exhibition at Plum Creek Nature Center. Later in the year, Isle a la Cache will host “Indige-Facts” and Four Rivers will host “Lost and Found — Remnants of Savannas and Old-growth Forests.” Tara Neff, the executive director of the Nature Foundation of Will County, said the goal of providing funding for visitor center exhibitions is to allow the Forest Preserve to keep content fresh and offer new entry points for visitors. “These exhibits are big draws,” Neff said, adding that visitor centers are free to visit unlike many museums. “We are encouraging visitorship.” Foundation funding also helps support the creation of in-house exhibits, allowing visitor center staff to create high-quality exhibits related to our own preserves, Pond said. In 2023, Isle a la Cache Museum’s “Stories From Steel” Artifact Exhibit was created with support from the Foundation, as was the “Raising Riverview” exhibit coming to the museum in 2024.

  • Foundation donates nearly $40,000 to Forest Preserve

    The Nature Foundation of Will County presented a donation check in the amount of $39,950 The Nature Foundation of Will County presented a donation check in the amount of $39,950 to the Forest Preserve District’s Board on Feb. 8.  The first-quarter 2024 donation will fund Forest Preserve programs and initiatives including: The Birds in Art exhibit, which was on display at Plum Creek Nature Center through Feb. 25.  Willy’s Wilderness Website, which provides nature-inspired content for teachers and students.  Food, housing supplies and health care for the Forest Preserve’s animal ambassadors.  Raising Riverview – Riverview Farmstead exhibit from March 1 through May 31 at Isle a la Cache Museum in Romeoville. Eagle Watch, which turned into a weeklong event after the one-day program scheduled for Jan. 13 had to be canceled due to weather.  Mammal Madness scheduled for March 2 and Pelican Party set for Sept. 28 at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon.  Tara Neff, the Foundation’s executive director, highlighted contributions from corporate sponsors including Enbridge Alliance, which provided funding for Eagle Watch, Mammal Madness and Pelican Party.  Neff said additional funding for Connecting Kids with Nature bus scholarships came from Pembina, and Target is supporting volunteer community workshops and the Forest Preserve's Adopt-a-Preserve program. Funds are raised throughout the year via plant and merchandise sales. The Foundation also accepts direct donations.

  • Take It Outside campaign takes Will County by storm

    No one likes going on a wild goose chase — unless that goose chase has you visiting Will County preserves in all seasons to learn more about nature and the natural world and also what the Forest Preserve has to offer. In that case, a goose chase is a yearlong adventure, and it’s just the adventure hundreds of people embarked on in 2023 through the Forest Preserve’s Take It Outside challenge, made possible thanks to a donation provided by The Nature Foundation of Will County. Through the Take It Outside challenge, participants used the Goosechase app to take part in a scavenger hunt with hundreds of missions, including GPS check-ins in the preserves, photo challenges and trivia questions. New missions were released weekly to keep people motivated. The challenge was the largest marketing initiative the District had ever undertaken. The overarching goal was to get more people out into more preserves experiencing them in more ways, said the head of digital strategy/engagement Chad Merda, who oversaw the marketing initiative. “The goal was to have the campaign raise awareness for everything we do,” he said. Secondary to that was getting people outside of their comfort zone to preserves and spots in the county they aren’t familiar with. “We know a lot of people tend to use the preserves right around their house, but this got them to travel the entire county and see the full scope of what we have,” he said. As the year went on, the number of points people accumulated grew higher and higher. When the challenge ended Dec. 31, a dozen people were tied for first place — all 12 having completed 501 missions while racking up 13,086 points. The response to the challenge was greater than anticipated. In all, more than 1,000 people participated in the challenge, completing more than 100,000 missions, making it the Goosechase platform’s largest ever user experience. “We definitely raised awareness, and we know that we changed habits,” Merda said. “People shared their stories with us throughout the year, and we heard from people who were more healthy, who could hike more and who discovered all these new places.” The Nature Foundation of Will County’s $7,500 donation to the Take It Outside challenge funded the Goosechase subscription as well as digital promotion for the yearlong campaign. “The advertising dollars allowed us to promote it on channels we wouldn’t normally have advertised on to reach a wider audience,” Merda said. Tara Neff, the executive director of the Nature Foundation of Will County, said the objectives of the Take It Outside campaign dovetail nicely with the Foundation’s dedication to protect nature, inspire discovery and bring people and nature together. “Take It Outside is really connecting people to nature, and that’s one of our priorities,” she said. The fun continues in 2024, with four seasonal challenges similar in nature to the 2023 adventure, albeit shorter in duration. The Foundation’s support continues as well, with a $13,500 donation in support of the interactive initiative. In addition to covering the cost of the Goosechase subscription, the Foundation’s support will fund digital promotion as well as prizes for participants.

  • Five reasons to fill your yard with native plants

    Looking to make some changes in your yard? If planting new plants is on your to-do list, consider including native plants in your landscaping. Using native plants in yards and gardens is a growing trend, and it benefits the environment. Native plants are the grasses, flowers, shrubs and trees that grow naturally in the region in which they evolved. Our native plants here in Will County are well adapted to our climate and soil. They thrive here because they are meant to grow here. Why native plants instead of the ones we have traditionally included in your yards? There are plenty of good reasons to use them. If the reasons below convince you to give native gardening a go, consult with a reputable garden center or nursery that specializes in native landscaping. Before you get started, you can research native plants local to you through the National Audubon Society’s Native Plants Database. You can filter plants in the database based on a number of criteria, including type of plant and the type of birds you want your landscaping to attract. They require less water Native plants don’t need to be watered as much as other plants because of their deep root systems that can store water. This stored water can then be used by the plants during dry spells in the growing season. Another benefit of their water-holding capacity is that they help prevent flooding and stormwater runoff because they take in moisture during heavy rains. When you consider how much water Americans use to water their lawns and gardens, the benefit really comes into view. A typical American family uses 320 gallons of water a day, and about 30% of that is for outdoor use, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. More than half the water used outdoors is poured on our lawns and gardens to keep them green and lush. Even replacing a small part of your lawn or landscaped beds with native plants that do not need regular watering can have a positive impact on water consumption. They don’t require much care If you love to garden but don’t have as much time to spend on it as you’d like, native plants are perfect for you. Plants that are native to northern Illinois are meant to grow here, so they don’t need a lot of TLC to grow and thrive. Native plants don’t require fertilizers and require fewer pesticides, plus they are less prone to disease than other plants. And you don’t have to mow them, which can be a real time saver. Reducing our use of fertilizers and pesticides, in particular, is a real benefit of native plants because we use a lot of them in the United States, and when we do the runoff from them enters our waterways, where it can be harmful to plant and animal life. Because native plants require little by way of chemical maintenance, they are less likely to contribute to this type of pollution than non-native plants. They help clean our air Planting native plants in place of grass can help reduce air pollution in a few ways. First, native plants can remove carbon dioxide from the air and store it in their deep root systems. They also contribute to cleaner air because they don’t require mowing and trimming. Gas-powered lawn mowers and garden tools create 5% of the air pollution in the United States, according to the EPA. When you replace part of your lawn with native plants, you are reducing air pollution because you are mowing less space. On a global scale, these effects on air quality and air pollution can also contribute to preventing climate change, the EPA reports. By holding carbon dioxide, native plantings serve as carbon sinks and keep carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Plus the reduction in the use of gas-powered lawn equipment lessens the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They benefit our local wildlife If you want to attract birds and other wildlife to your yard, going native in your yard is a good place to start. These native plants are the flowers, shrubs and grasses that are meant to grow here, so it’s no surprise that they provide food and shelter for our native animal species. Native plants will provide the nectar that is essential for so many of our pollinators, including bees, butterflies, moths and even hummingbirds. And having a yard all abuzz with insect activity means there’s lots to eat for birds and other wildlife that rely on insects as a main insect source. Even furry mammals might be more likely to pay your yard a visit because native landscaping can provide them spots to take shelter from the weather and even predators. They’re oh so pretty If the science isn’t enough to convince you to add some native landscaping to your yard, we will appeal to your sense of aesthetics. Native plants will add beauty to your yard. They bloom in every color of the rainbow, and if you plan carefully, you can have pops of color in your yard from early spring to late fall. What’s your favorite color? Yellow? There’s a native plant for that. Red? Yellow? Purple? Pink? White? There’s native plants for those too. Whether you like a monochrome look with blooms in shades of one color or a whole riot of color all over your yard, you can find native plants to accomplish your goal. And remember that native plants aren’t just wildflowers. You can find dozens of native trees, shrubs and grasses that will add color and visual interest to your yard all year long.

  • Bike repair stations help keep trail visitors rolling

    Unplanned bike repairs and adjustments have become a little easier along some Forest Preserve trails thanks to the installation of repair stations funded by The Nature Foundation of Will County and the Joliet Bicycle Club via the Nature Foundation. The repair stations are stocked with a variety of tools to aid in repairs, including wrenches, screwdrivers and tire levers. The tools are attached to the repair stations to deter theft. Cyclists can also suspend their bikes on padded hanger alarms to allow repairs to be done at eye level rather than crouching down on the ground. “Bike repair stations are so valuable,” said Em Wilcher, the recreation coordinator for the Forest Preserve. “It’s great to know that our trail users have points to ensure that their bikes are safe and trail prepared.” The newest bike repair stations were installed in 2023, bringing the total number along forest preserve trails to six. The Nature Foundation funded the new station at the intersection of Spring Creek Greenway Trail and Veterans Memorial Trail in New Lenox, while the Joliet Bicycle Club donated funds for the installation of a new repair station where the Old Plank Road Trail and Hickory Creek Bikeway intersect in Mokena. These join repair stations installed in 2020 on the Wauponsee Glacial Trail at the Sugar Creek Preserve trailhead in Joliet; Centennial Trail at Schneider’s Passage in Romeoville; DuPage River Trail at Whalon Lake in Naperville; and Rock Run Greenway Trail at Rock Run Preserve – Paul V. Nichols Access in Joliet. While the bike repair stations serve an important purpose along some of the Forest Preserve’s most well-traveled trails, Wilcher said cyclists should carry some tools with them on their bike for emergency, on-the-spot repairs and adjustments. She suggests keeping a bike multi toll with a hex wrench, Allen keys and a tire repair tool and also carrying an air pump. Wilcher also said experienced cyclists and casual bikers alike should make sure their bike reflectors are properly affixed and always carry water and wear a helmet. “There’s really no reason not to bike with a helmet on,” she said.

  • Restore Will County grants support volunteer work

    A healthier Will County is one of the goals of The Nature Foundation of Will County, and one of the many ways it works to achieve that goal is by awarding Restore Will County grants to people who have dedicated themselves to restoration projects in the preserves. Since 2017, more than $19,000 in Restore Will County grants has been awarded to volunteer site stewards and Forest Preserve employees, said Tara Neff, executive director of the Foundation. This year, three site stewards were awarded grants, and funds were also given to restoration crew leader Barbara Sherwood, who uses the funds to support restoration work done by volunteers. Site stewards can apply for grants of up to $500 each year to aid in their restoration projects. A committee consisting of Neff, Forest Preserve Executive Director Ralph Schultz and Forest Preserve Director of Conservation Programs Andrew Hawkins makes decisions on awarding the grants. The funds can be used for most anything stewards need to complete work at their sites, Neff said. It can pay for trees, shrubs, plant seed, plant plugs, herbicide, equipment and supplies. Stewards can also use the grant money to pay for trainings and certifications necessary for them to complete their projects.   She said she is able to use the grant money for supplies and equipment for site stewards who did not apply for grants of their own or to give addition supplies and equipment to site stewards who discover through the course of their work that they have additional or unanticipated needs. Restoration work performed by site stewards falls within the District’s general management plans for the preserves where they do their work. Sherwood said the grants allow the District to complete restoration projects more quickly than they otherwise would. “It allows more work to be done in a timelier fashion,” she said. In some cases, the District hosts habitat management mornings in conjunction with the work the site stewards do as the need arises. The stewards also work independently on their restoration projects as well. “Their work takes some of the burden off of natural resources,” she said. In addition to allowing the Forest Preserve to accelerate the timelines on some restoration projects, Neff said the grants allow the public a way to work to protect our habitats and make our environment healthier. “It creates opportunities for the everyday citizen to be involved in the work that we do,” she said. The work the site stewards do in the preserves helps ensure successes in restoration management and also that positive outcomes will continue on these lands, Neff said. And it’s not just the volunteers who reap the benefits. We all do. “They are making a difference to the landscape, so they are making a healthier environment,” she said. For site stewards, the Restore Will County grants are a boost both in funding for their restoration work and in the confidence they have in knowing their work is meaningful, Sherwood said.    “It empowers them to do more and take ownership of the work they do at their sites.”

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